mama bear.
mama, you shall bear a son... thrice.
as well as four sugars-and-spice.
mama, bear a hand. join in! help out! begin! step up!
go on! yes now! that's it! filled cup!
mama, bear arms -- the weapons for their defense.
your muscle, your steel, your common sense.
mama, bear fruit. it is a juicy sweet reward!
enjoy every flavor, wish and want for more.
mama, bear in mind their feelings, their questions, their fears,
their humor, their ideas, their quirks, their tears.
mama, bear with them. with all your self, dripping and aching.
"bear usually implies the power to sustain without flinching or breaking,"
(says merriam-webster.)
"i will bear, i have made. i will carry, i have saved."
said the holy one, through isaiah one day.
mama, bear the yoke of your youth. bear witness to good and truth!
bear marks of christ, bear zeal, bear words, bear seals,
bear music, bear loads, bear gentleness, bear hope.
mama, you will not fail, you will not fall.
"love bears all."
mama, bear.
"called to build the kingdom first through the romance and adventure of our home..."